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Ski resort Gurgl
Summer Card
Hiking in Gurgl
Ski school Swal

Holiday in Obergurgl

Haus Alpenblick is idyllically located on the outskirts of Obergurgl. The name says it all, Alpenblick (Alpine view): The view from all of our rooms is of the breath-taking panorama at the end of the Ötztal. In winter and in summer the Gurgler countryside becomes a playground for outdoor sports enthusiasts. The ski slopes are only a few minutes’ walk from Haus Alpenblick, hikes start from the front door and countless other activities make your holiday a very special break.

Offers & Packages

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Skischule Swal

ski with a local

At the ski school SWAL in Obergurgl a local will show you the most beautiful aspects of the ski resort. During the ski course you will learn the basics of skiing/snowboarding and improve your style and technique. Additionally different off-piste courses are offered, like snowshoe hiking or ski touring.

Due to many years' experience Method Scheiber is one of the most qualified ski instructors in Obergurgl. He grew up in Obergurgl, thus he knows the nicest places.

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